Reflections on the spiritual journey in today's world, from a fellow traveler...

Friday, March 09, 2007

On borrowed time?

This weekend we turn those clocks ahead an hour a few weeks earlier than usual... for many of us time-pressed, chronically over-committed busybodies, that elicits a collective groan...

Losing an hour... sort of...

The folks down in Washington, in all their infinite wisdom (snicker), decided to move the "spring forward" up a few weeks to try and save a bit more on energy costs, and for a few other reasons that are too arcane to get into here...

Anyway, while the earlier-than-usual time change has had IT depts scrambling to get their computers updated, it has gotten me thinking...

Why not use this "extra" three or so weeks of "spring ahead" to make a positive change or two in my life??

After all, what a better time than the season of lent to make some paradigm shifts in how I think and act. The real challenge is consistency though- can I make changes and stick to them??

Recently in one of his thoughtful essays, Malcolm Gladwell, author of The Tipping Point, and New Yorker columnist wrote that it takes 21 days straight of doing something consistently to create a new neural pathway in how our brain functions and the habits we follow.

So... here are a few things I hope to work on during these three weeks as I seek to find a better balance of kairos (God's time), and kronos (human busy time):

-being early in dropping my daughter off for daycare and getting to work a bit earlier each day (rather than just right on time)

-being more consistently emotionally and spiritually available to my family, co-workers, and patients

-practicing my guitar, reading and doing self-care on my own time consistently each day

-being a better friend and neighbor by proactively reaching out and giving of myself each day- not just when it is convenient for me

Those are a few that I am starting with anyway... 21 days of doing something every day!

Here is to new neural pathways... AND to new beginnings (on God's time)!

Peace that surpasses all human understanding to you,



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