Reflections on the spiritual journey in today's world, from a fellow traveler...

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Back in the blogosphere... (sort of)

Just getting back on after living a busy, fruitful but blog-less life since last summer...

I've been satiating my blogging/journaling pangs with occasional Facebook notes, along with keeping up with the news on my Bloglines newsfeed account.

Mostly, though, I have spent less time navel-gazing and more time reading, being with my family and friends...

I'd like to get back into blogging a bit here again, as time and energy permit.

The whole web 2.0/social media/facebook/twitter phenomena really fascinate me.

The trend, like any sociological development says just as much about us as it does about the medium.

Right now, I am looking for ways to:

-do better, more intentional self-care
-read and practice the guitar more regularly
-be more emotionally nurturing and available as a husband, father, family member, leader and friend

Reflection helps me to do this- it is a major part of how I make sense of the world around me, relationships, and also how I seek to lead a better, healthier, happier, more productive life.

Here's to that!

Check back again this month- I hope to have some thoughts and reflections on social media, theology, and relationships as well as what I'm reading now, etc...




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