50 Reasons Why I am Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving
Here are 50 Reasons why I am giving thanks this Thanksgiving- I have:
50. a place to live
49. clothes to wear
48. shoes on my feet
47. food to eat
46. the ability to walk
45. my sight to watch a beautiful sunset or the stars at night
44. my taste to enjoy a piece of homemade pumpkin pie
43. my smell to the aroma of fresh flowers or a favorite dish
42. a job or source of income
41. colleagues at work who care
40. an education
39. the ability to read and write
38. books to read and the freedom to read them without fear
37. the freedom to speak my conscience and even voice dissent
36. the freedom to gather with whomever I choose
35. musical gifts to share
34. daily opportunities to help others
33. health insurance
32. transportation
31. a sense of humor
30. a legacy of faith and care left by loved ones who have already gone home
29. pictures that speak better than words
28. teachers that have given their all to help me learn
27. counselors who have helped me through some 'dark nights of the soul'
26. seekers who have renewed my confidence in God's power to change lives
25. worshipers who have modeled for me a heartfelt faith
24. healers who have showed me how to care
23. antagonists who have taught me patience and how to deal graciously with challenges
22. vacations that have given me rest
21. clean water that refreshes me when I feel parched
20. students who remind me that we are always learning
19. ball games on sunny afternoons with friends
18. warm evenings by a fireplace with loved ones
17. comfort for those who are grieving
16. rest for those who are weary
15. people with the courage to speak their conscience even though it may cost them their life
14. walks on a familiar beach in summer
13. writers who challenge me to think and consider other points of view
12. pastors who seek to genuinely live what they preach
11. the words of children that give me a fresh perspective on life
10. a story of how God has changed my life for the better
9. a church home with people who care
8. joy and hope in my heart
7. my health
6. family and friends
5. a sister who is an encourager, patient listener, and friend
4. parents who gave me life, nurtured me, and pointed me in the right direction
3. a beautiful daughter who brightens my every day and is the joy of my life
2. a loving, devoted wife who is my soulmate, partner, and best friend
1. faith in God who provides for all my needs
Peace in the Lord,