Reflections on the spiritual journey in today's world, from a fellow traveler...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Life's What Happens While your busy trying to blog

This is my first entry on this blog in a good while... Life is busy and intense. My wife just lost her mother a few weeks ago and is bereft in grief- but has a lot of support (family, counseling, social support); my 7 yr old daughter is in a different activity almost every day and we're short-staffed in my department at work right now, so I have extra responsibilities there as well... I am also very actively involved in several leadership roles at church...

I am still managing to find time to "Be still and know that the Lord is God," but that time is getting harder and harder to protect- so thus I have not been blogging or watching TV nearly as much- which is probably a good thing, although I do enjoy reflecting on faith and life when I can find the energy and time.

God is very good, though, and my life is full of blessings. When we face challenges, somehow, some way, God gives us the strength we need. Until next time may we "pray unceasingly" and walk boldly in faith.

Peace & prayers,
