Vision Walking
About two weeks ago I bought a pedometer... you know- those little things you can clip on your belt that tell you how far you are walking? Well, I soon discovered, much to my surprise, that I walk an average of 5-6 miles per day visiting patients at the hospital where I work. "Wow!" I thought to myself- I really am walking a lot.
Then I discovered that the pedometer also has a feature that keeps track of the amount of "aerobic walking" that the wearer does throughout the day. They define aerobic as walking done at a brisk pace for a sustained period of at least 15 minutes. Much to my chagrin, despite walking nearly six miles a day I was not logging in any "aerobic walking."
I also realized that there are times in my life occasionally when I find I am busy but not especially effective, because I am constantly scurrying from appointment to appointment without taking time intentionally each day to get mentally, physically and spiritually prepared for the day.
I resolved to change this. I decided to come to work 30 minutes early, and walk completely around the hospital campus and through the main hallway, which takes 20-25 minutes if I walk briskly. I have been doing this every week day for a couple of weeks now and I love it!
On the second day that I set out for my morning "aerobic walk" I decided to use the 20 minutes to meditate and lift up my day and the hospital in my prayers and intentions. What I have found is that I feel much more energized and refreshed when I start my day, and I also feel spiritually recharged. I feel I am able to be more present and responsive to the needs of those whom I visit and seek to help, and also have a deeper sense of peace and confidence in God's greater purpose for my life.
Try making and taking time for a prayer or vision walk in the morning before you begin your work for the day. For me it has made all the difference!
Joy and peace on the Journey,