Reflections on the spiritual journey in today's world, from a fellow traveler...

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Riding the Spirit

Last week, one of my friends from work gave me a nice kite to give to my 5 year old daughter. When I got home and showed it to her, a huge, gleeful smile spread across her face, and her eyes lit up.

"Let's go fly it right now, Daddy!" She begged me.

So her mother and I took her and the new kite to the park up the street. It was a bright and clear day, but hardly a breeze could be found. The air was still.

I tried to explain to my daughter that there was not much wind, and I could not promise that we could get the kite to fly on that day- "we might have to try again another day," I told her.

After unpacking the kite, I licked my index finger and searched for even the slightest breeze that could lift the kite even a few feet, to satisfy my daughter. None could be found. "I don't think this is going to work today, honey," I told her again. She persisted and insisted we keep trying though.

"Daddy, I know it will work. We have to keep trying! Run with the kite, Daddy, run!"

She urged me on with the confidence and certainty of a trusting child. So I began to run with the kite, while she held the spool of string. Sure enough, the kite gradually began to gather some lift, and before long a gentle breeze came along lifting the kite high in the air.

My daughter's face was beaming. "See, I told you it would fly, Daddy."

After Jesus had been crucified, the disciples were dejected, afraid, and ready to give up. Then something truly miraculous happened- He appeared to them, and gave them the Holy Spirit!

They were filled with new life, and could not help share this great news with the world!

When we find ourselves at a point in our lives where we feel hopeless, lost or without direction, God invites us to seek the wind of the Holy Spirit and find new life and renewed hope and meaning.

