Reflections on the spiritual journey in today's world, from a fellow traveler...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

One Year After Katrina... How much has changed??

Today was the one year anniversary of the Hurricane Katrina disaster. How much has changed? The hurricane related casualties are approaching 1500 people, tens of thousands more have been permanently displaced and are still without permanent homes...

The hurricane was bad. The lack of an effective response (or proper preparation) by the federal government was worse... The levees were grossly inadequate and gave way to the torrent of flooding that swallowed the lower income sections of New Orleans.

There was a tremendous response of giving to organizations like the American Red Cross, but even as there was an out-pouring of generosity, there was also great greed from people who mis-appropriated funds and donated resources for their own gain, while thousands languished...

Jesus once said in the gospels "As you have done to the least of these so you have done to me..."


Are we doing all we can to bring justice to those who most need it in our world?? Of course not! We must do better. I must do better...

Let's work together for greater justice for people who need it most...

