Reflections on the spiritual journey in today's world, from a fellow traveler...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Backing it Up...

Just last week I came home after work, greeted my family and ate dinner. After dinner I went to start up the computer to check my e-mail and unwind for a few minutes. The computer began to start, when suddenly the screen went black and an error message appeared "missing or corrupted dll file." The computer would not start. Even tech support couldn't help me fix it- they informed me that the hard drive had gone bad.


I had lots and lots of family photos, documents, and much of my music collection, not to mention lots of software loaded on that hard drive...

Now they were all GONE... or in serious jeopardy of being GONE for good...

I did not back up my files on another drive...

I still don't know whether I will be able to recover any of them or not.

I did learn an important, but difficult lesson about backing up all that I do.

This whole debacle made me think more and more about my spiritual journey as well.

Do I "back up" my words with a lifestyle that is pleasing to God??

It made me think how we often go along putting our faith and trust in things that are ultimately transient- like houses, cars, fashion statements, etc. but ultimately they will all be GONE.

What will we be left with??

I am realizing more and more that ultimately all we are left with is our faith and how we have lived our lives.

Are we "backing it up"?

