Reflections on the spiritual journey in today's world, from a fellow traveler...

Friday, December 29, 2006

Looking Back, Looking Ahead...

The year 2006 will soon be all but a memory. What kind of a year has this been? What will 2007 bring? A lot of that depends on me and you, yet it extends beyond each one of us to the Holy One.

Here are a few of my hopes and dreams for our world for this coming year:

-an end to the genocide in Darfur, Sudan
-withdrawal or at least a significant scaleback in American forces in Iraq
-More Christians, Muslims and Jews, Atheists and Agnostics talking to one another in peaceful, mutually respectful dialogue
-better healthcare for America's most needy children
-a lasting moratorium on the death penalty
-better end-of-life comfort care for the dying and their families
-real reform in Washington that helps the people not just corporate interests and lobbyists
- a real acknowledgement from President Bush that a) we are not winning the war and b) we need to get those Iraqis trained up and get our brave service people out of harm's way ASAP.
-a significant turnaround in caring for the environment to help stem the global warming crisis

This is a tall, ambitious list, I know, but true peace is a real and lasting hope that we can all contribute toward and work toward together.

I have never been one to make a lot of New Year's "resolutions" but I have also have some hopes and aspirations for myself for this coming year:

-to spend more quality time with my daughter and wife every day.
-to "go the extra mile" more often in my work in helping others.
-to take better care of the environment- use less, recycle more, and make choices that are better for the environment
-become more involved in volunteer service in my community
-actually get to know more of my neighbors
-take better care of my body as far as dietary choices, exercise, and sleep habits
-be more proactive in "putting first things first" in managing my time and energy
-deepen my spiritual journey through meditation, study, worship and small group participation
-read more books
-improve my musical skills (I have been playing and studying jazz guitar for several years now)

I lift these hopes and dreams up as an offering to God, and as hopes for the present and future.

Remembering the story of the birth of Jesus in that humble manger, we look ahead to the journey to the cross, and beyond to the promise of the Kingdom of God. But, as Jesus reminds us, the kingdom of God is within us and all around us. Will we recognize the Christ in our midst? In the eyes of the hungry and discouraged? In the longing of the weary and over-burdened? If we truly seek, we will find; if we truly knock, the door will be opened.

Jesus says "behold I stand at the door and knock."

Will we welcome him into our midst? The choice is ours- each one in our own time...

God's perfect Peace be with you now and in the new year,


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas is forgiving

Christmas is again upon us. The shopping has been done, the cookies, and holiday treats have been prepared, the trees are decorated and adorned with ornaments and beautiful lights.

For many of us, this is also a time when we will gather with family and friends to celebrate, give and receive gifts and enjoy the season.

For all too many, though, this can be a painful time of year- some have lost a loved one recently, others feel broken, alone, or isolated. Yet others among us find ourselves again at odds with the people we love- maybe its a long-standing, painful feud over a deep emotional wound. Perhaps it is abusive talk or behavior. Perhaps it is even a senseless argument over how to decorate the tree, or whether or not to make cookies, or what to have for dinner.

Christmas is a great time of joy, but it can also turn into a stressful time if we let the busyness overtake us and miss out on the peace of the Christ child.

Jesus came to earth as a feeble infant to fulfill the world-changing promise of a saviour who would bring new hope, new life, and forgiveness for all who believe.

This year, when we are tempted to fight or quarrel over the decorations, or travel arrangements, or what to serve for Christmas dinner, may we pause to receive God's perfect peace as we accept and offer forgiveness in the name of Jesus.

God's perfect peace be with you now and always!



Saturday, December 16, 2006

Living in the Moment

As you can see from looking at the last time I posted to this blog, it has been a busy few months for me. Between my work as a hospital chaplain, parenting a very active 6 year old daughter, making time for my marriage, and being involved at church I have not found as much time for many other things.

But then again, that is a large part of what life is about, isn't it? Choosing how to spend our time, energy and resources. When we choose to do something, we are saying to ourselves and the world that that is the most important thing for us to be doing at that moment.

It can be tempting to just coast through life and become a sort of passive voyeur to our own lives, but where does that leave us? When I have found myself in a place like that, somehow, God reminds me that this moment is precious and filled with great promise and opportunity.

As the saying goes, "yesterday is gone, and tomorrow isn't here yet." So in reality, all we truly have is today.

Existential Christian theologian Paul Tillich described this as "the eternal now."

That certainly does not mean not to think about the future- quite to the contrary. It has reminded me to take better care of my body and spiritual-emotional health, as well as cherish the time I have with my daughter, wife, family and friends.

What spiritual opportunity is God beckoning you toward today? Pursue it with all your passion, energy and gifts...

Jesus was asked about what is the greatest commandment, and he replied

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and your neighbor as yourself."

That seems a lot easier said than done many times, but God leads us there one moment, one day, one decision, one step at a time.

As the Chinese proverb reminds us: The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

Do you have the courage to take that first or next step in the right direction spiritually??

If you do, take it with joy and zeal, if you are unsure, pray for discernment, quiet your mind and Spirit, and await God's guidance- He will lead you and NEVER let you down as you follow and trust more and more fully in Him!

Blessings and peace of the Saviour to you,
