Reflections on the spiritual journey in today's world, from a fellow traveler...

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Back in the blogosphere... (sort of)

Just getting back on after living a busy, fruitful but blog-less life since last summer...

I've been satiating my blogging/journaling pangs with occasional Facebook notes, along with keeping up with the news on my Bloglines newsfeed account.

Mostly, though, I have spent less time navel-gazing and more time reading, being with my family and friends...

I'd like to get back into blogging a bit here again, as time and energy permit.

The whole web 2.0/social media/facebook/twitter phenomena really fascinate me.

The trend, like any sociological development says just as much about us as it does about the medium.

Right now, I am looking for ways to:

-do better, more intentional self-care
-read and practice the guitar more regularly
-be more emotionally nurturing and available as a husband, father, family member, leader and friend

Reflection helps me to do this- it is a major part of how I make sense of the world around me, relationships, and also how I seek to lead a better, healthier, happier, more productive life.

Here's to that!

Check back again this month- I hope to have some thoughts and reflections on social media, theology, and relationships as well as what I'm reading now, etc...



Monday, June 02, 2008

Altruism- does it really occur? If so, Why do we do it?

Lately I have been reflecting a bit on the concept of altruism. Here is how Webster defines it:

altruism. 1 : unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others
2 : behavior by an animal that is not beneficial to or may be harmful to itself but that benefits others of its species

Why do we do things to help others when there is little if anything for us to gain for ourselves??

Take the man who saves a child's life for instance, by pushing the child out of the way of a moving bus only to be killed by it himself; or acts of kindness done to help others with no apparent benefit other than knowing that one has done good...

Ah! Maybe THAT is what it is all about- knowing in one's own CONSCIENCE, that one has done right by one's fellow human beings- even if there is no benefit (or even personal harm) that occurs as a result.

That is a radical concept...

Although there are certainly a lot of charlatans and false prophets out there teaching that we should give to get- like the Joel Osteens and T.D. Jakes with their version of the 'prosperity gospel' of do unto others so God will do unto you...

Radical, unselfish, abundant, undeserved love is what I feel the Holy One has called me to give- and calls us each to give of ourselves sacrificially. I am going to be perfectly honest with you- I am a LONG, LONG way from any semblance of sacrificial giving or truly altruistic service...

I suppose that is one lifelong lesson that requires a committment of conscience and a daily walk that upholds justice for the least of these, and gives radically without thought or concern for self...

Perhaps a large part of this life lesson is not ACCUMULATING, like we are conditioned to do almost non-stop in our society, but rather radical GIVING AWAY and LETTING GO of everything but God ultimately...

Peace on the Journey,
